"If anyone can tell me what happen to the soul of those people who lived before the time Jesus and Mohamad was born, then i would gladly join their religion. I wouldn't depend my life on a book that was written thousands of years ago. The people who lived before them did not know them, but the outcome is people like us being divided by the book."
Prophet Mohammed died 1400 yrs ago, Quran is kept somewhere in the cupboard safe not touched for months even yrs by most muslims, possibly malabari. But the fact is that the Holy Quran, believed to be the word of God, says "God is nearer to you than your Jugular vein"
Hence believers are asked to close their eyes and listen what God has to say at the moment than seeking Prophet or book. However, only those with wisdom can realize this..
"If anyone can tell me what happen to the soul of those people who lived before the time Jesus and Mohamad was born, then i would gladly join their religion. I wouldn't depend my life on a book that was written thousands of years ago. The people who lived before them did not know them, but the outcome is people like us being divided by the book."
Prophet Mohammed died 1400 yrs ago, Quran is kept somewhere in the cupboard safe not touched for months even yrs by most muslims, possibly malabari. But the fact is that the Holy Quran, believed to be the word of God, says "God is nearer to you than your Jugular vein"
Hence believers are asked to close their eyes and listen what God has to say at the moment than seeking Prophet or book. However, only those with wisdom can realize this..