I agree with you; we all want schools to do well. It's very easy to misjudge a parent who ends up 'losing their patience', and thinking that a particular parent is just being difficult. If you are correct about NBS, in that it does not have the same problems as NIS, than that only serves to upset me even more. I only found out that NBS opened this September. Imagine how I feel after fighting for my kids rights, to find out that another school has been opened rather than fixing the problems in the previous two schools. What so that NBS could 'excel'? What happens to the kids at NIS? Why are they being shunned?

You are very right in saying that it is very very dfficult to place your children in a good school here. DESS won't even give you the time of day unless you have a british passport, and the top schools have a waiting list a mile long. I had hoped that all the problems would have been fixed during the summer, and instead it didn't happen. It's not like I 'hate' the school. Quite the contrary. I think the teachers are good. But when my child started school again in September I had this terrible sinking feeling when I went to school that first week. It was......oh god, here we go again. 1 more year of struggle with the school.

We trust a school to have our childrens best interest at heart. When you leave your kids in the hands of a school, you expect your children to be safe from harm right? Leaving them at school is not just about education. Do you know that when the D-ring campus opened, they had no fire alarms, no fire extinguishers and no fire drill in place? The first time it rained, the roof on the out-buildings almost collapsed under the weight and the leaks ended up closing the school for 2 or 3 days.

I am here to help; I've been trying for over a year now. I haven't been splashing it all out on QL, because I thought they would have made changes by now.

In the end my kid will have to say goodbye to her friends, and I will have to watch her cry because the school didn't deliver what it promised; and I have to move her. This is not a public school..............why should parents settle? We pay high school fees! We should demand the best for our children! Is that too much to ask? Why should I feel guilty about wanting my kid to be safe?

Do we have to wait for disaster to strike to 'learn' a lesson? You know what they say..............hindsight is always 20/20.............

ps. In the end, I didn't have any more fight in me. I just moved my kid. I just wished it had gone better, that's all.