Hey Alexa, I understand what you're saying and I too apologise for my "unfriendly" posts. It's easy to get opinions running high on matters of race, religion and nationality esp. on QL. We simply differ on the approach to addressing racism. I'm often too sarcastic for my own good but its in my DNA and at the end of the day, like many people, all I want is for things to change.
General - To be honest I pity Obama. I think he just has wayyyyy too much on his plate. I was sent my first Obama joke yesterday...a truck load of his "relatives" on route to the White House, it was soooo funny but it took me a few seconds to think of it as a joke and not an attack on black people, Africans in general etc etc. I soon sent it off to most of my friends and family and the responses I've received so far were all "ROFL" and the like. I dont think Obama will be taking jokes about himself too seriously because that will be an unncessary distraction (like he doesn't have bigger things to worry about eg. which puppy to get his daughters ;). So if he can do it, maybe the rest of us Black folk can, but lol, it'll take time!
Hey Alexa, I understand what you're saying and I too apologise for my "unfriendly" posts. It's easy to get opinions running high on matters of race, religion and nationality esp. on QL. We simply differ on the approach to addressing racism. I'm often too sarcastic for my own good but its in my DNA and at the end of the day, like many people, all I want is for things to change.
General - To be honest I pity Obama. I think he just has wayyyyy too much on his plate. I was sent my first Obama joke yesterday...a truck load of his "relatives" on route to the White House, it was soooo funny but it took me a few seconds to think of it as a joke and not an attack on black people, Africans in general etc etc. I soon sent it off to most of my friends and family and the responses I've received so far were all "ROFL" and the like. I dont think Obama will be taking jokes about himself too seriously because that will be an unncessary distraction (like he doesn't have bigger things to worry about eg. which puppy to get his daughters ;). So if he can do it, maybe the rest of us Black folk can, but lol, it'll take time!
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