I know it seems like an impossible task but if we all pitch in, WE CAN GET IT DONE! C'mon, everybody!!! We are the last resort for Kenny. QLers are all he has left. We can't say, oh the Embassy will help or his employer or bank will relent. It's been ten months. Let's get this done and just think of how good we will feel and the party we will have afterwards. Not to mention the fantastic write-up in the Gulf Times. It's SO worth it.
I know it seems like an impossible task but if we all pitch in, WE CAN GET IT DONE! C'mon, everybody!!! We are the last resort for Kenny. QLers are all he has left. We can't say, oh the Embassy will help or his employer or bank will relent. It's been ten months. Let's get this done and just think of how good we will feel and the party we will have afterwards. Not to mention the fantastic write-up in the Gulf Times. It's SO worth it.