enjoyed the first night of freedom..:) man i was the last to leave..would you believe it..:)
good to see old pals and brother skanky..
hey skinky..evrytime I see you you have diff chick..wats the secret behind this..and on serious note I was very saddned by ill health..good that you recover now....
KSA Darling..always pleased to see you and you have to do wat i asked for.i need the old bright and smiling face....

And the boss..DaRuling..his presence in the gathering make difference..

Brtus.you were there??my mistake..now give me some hints so i can recall which one were you..anyways glad to meet ya...

and also nice to see beauttiful Irrysa and Harsha and Oryx,....and alot new faces...
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.