
The heritage of Islam is deeply rooted in the Qatari character and society. The import and consumption of alcohol is strictly regulated. It is imperative to have a liquor licence if you intend to consume liquor at home. Alcoholic beverages are available in the restaurants and bars of all the major hotels, although they are a little expensive. Qatar prohibits brewing and trafficking in alcoholic drinks.

The Qatar Distribution Company(QDC) (T: 4699413) issues liquor licences and is the only distributor in Qatar. Monthly liquor quotas differ from person to person based on their basic salary and does not exceed 10% of the basic salary.

Only people with permits can buy alcohol and to obtain a permit, a letter from your sponsor stating the basic salary and a copy of your ID needs to be submitted to QDC along with a returnable deposit of QR1000.

QDC is closed during the Holy month of Ramadan and otherwise is open Saturday to Thursday from 10:30 to 7:30pm.

Alcohol can be purchased at the airport when leaving the country (without a liquor licence) but it is not allowed into Qatar.

Drinking and Driving
Qatar law has a zero tolerance policy towards drinking and driving. Drunken behavior in public or driving under the influence of alcohol is an offense punishable by imprisonment, a fine or both and revocation of the offender's driving licence. If you drink and drive your insurance becomes invalid and you become personally liable for all damages including "blood money".


Keep smiling!
