Ooinah - beat it into them odinah? Wow, what a lovely way to bring up children.
Nehah - Is this incident really worth posting about on QL? Some kids laughed at you, so what? Kids are like that all over the world. Don't try and make it an issue about Qataris. Perhaps they were laughing because you tried talking to them but couldn't even speak their language, the language of the country you're in.
And osman - you clearly need some anger management lessons! And why shouldn't Qataris be in the Hip Hop Shop?
Ooinah - beat it into them odinah? Wow, what a lovely way to bring up children.
Nehah - Is this incident really worth posting about on QL? Some kids laughed at you, so what? Kids are like that all over the world. Don't try and make it an issue about Qataris. Perhaps they were laughing because you tried talking to them but couldn't even speak their language, the language of the country you're in.
And osman - you clearly need some anger management lessons! And why shouldn't Qataris be in the Hip Hop Shop?