Arien, really? Sorry bro, but you seem "lost".

President: Mwai - Kikuyu
Prime Minister: Odinga - Luo
Vice President: Musyoka - Kamba

Which key seats are you refering to? Id be happy to get the stats for you.

If there's anything that Kenyans learnt from the post-election violence is that tribal hatred runs deeps, especially against the Kikuyus. Moi (a Kalenjin), the last President - was in power from 1978 to 2002, guess who were holding "key" positions during his tenure??? Now the composition is fairly balanced out, yet because the President is Kikuyu we still get a lot of slack.

Sorry I do not stand by corruption or tribal hatred of any kind. But to say the kikuyu's are all to blame for the woes of the country as a whole is very convenient (read WRONG). Please judge people based on their character, not on their names (in Kenya's case). The Kikuyus will say the same thing you're saying about Luos. The Kalenjins the same about other tribes, it just goes on and on and ultimately NOWHERE.

Britexpat, I am not O-anything lol. Unless Obama is involved, teehee.

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