I'd prefer to be moddest, or else I'd end up having people talk about me :(

The only luxurious place that she spoke about was the ritz, I don't consider AL Jazeera or Souq Wagif that great.

My point is, everywhere has nice things and bad things. Some see the good, some see the bad, some see both sides.

There are 10 billion threads with people complaining about something they don't like on QL. Why can't there be one thread on one happy experience?

Now for the extra side notes: I don't live in a luxurious house, I don't drive a ferrari, I do see so many things in my country which annoys me and causes my temper to rise, I do know that there's a wide spectrum of opinions and experiences in Qatar, I don't like to generalize, I do like to ensure that people know that what I say is an opinion, and I do hope that more people would take their energy and try to find a positive outlet.

@janey, I agree.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.