Sorry but you have to make your own mind up about something as important as where you have your baby - don't just listen to a bunch of strangers on the internet.

I can't comment on Hamad hospital because I've never been there but I can comment on Al Ahli...

I delivered my first baby there 4 days ago... and I can honestly say they were absolutely fantastic. The nurses and midwives there are amazing - they are so friendly and really look after the babies well. Because it's my first baby I asked a million questions and they were really helpful about everything I wanted to know. I chose to have my little one in with me all the time so they were constantly popping in to check how I was and make sure things were going ok.

I had told the nurses I wanted to breastfeed and they were really helpful - making sure I knew what to do and how often to do it. They suggested I gave him formula to begin with as well as breast milk to make sure he was getting everything he needed but as soon as he was feeding well off we stopped the formula. They never tried to make me do anything - and I was allowed to be with him all the time. I went with him for his baths so I could see how they did it (I really wanted to make sure I knew how to do everything properly before coming home and having to do it all myself!!).

As standard they give them an eye test, hearing test and vaccinations and they give you all their cards when you get discharged to show what was done and when. I doubt very much they let a baby be discharged without following all the normal proceedures.

And yes it is like staying in a hotel... child birth isn't exactly the most pleasant process in the world and if you get the option to recover in luxury (well as luxurious as a hospital can be!) then why would you opt for less?

Again - I suggest you talk first hand to people who have been through it all. Don't listen to third hand gossip. If anyone wants to know anything about my experience at Al Ahli then PM me - I would recommend the hospital to anyone and wouldn't hesitate to go back for the next one(!).

I know there are people that have had bad experiences at both hospitals, but for the majority of cases either hospital would be fully equipped to handle a normal delivery. (And for the record Al Ahli DO have a NICU!)