well shamiri it is not that God cannot stop the evil,but for what he will? it is clear that we humans are responsible for evilness, we are in control of that, it is upto us if we want to keep that way or not and we responslbe for the consequences of our deeds. not unless you cry for hishelp and repent for that what so ever..then comes the Gods mercy(but of course you have first to believe that there is hereafter paradise or hell)
"Born optimist nothing can keep me too low for so long"
well shamiri it is not that God cannot stop the evil,but for what he will? it is clear that we humans are responsible for evilness, we are in control of that, it is upto us if we want to keep that way or not and we responslbe for the consequences of our deeds. not unless you cry for hishelp and repent for that what so ever..then comes the Gods mercy(but of course you have first to believe that there is hereafter paradise or hell)
"Born optimist nothing can keep me too low for so long"