Well educated arabs are polite very honest -that's why people misunderstood their frankness- sensitive -very-, have few friends and clients are very nice.
As i observed they are open minded, accept other people's opinion and they are very observer.
On the other hand some has very huge ego -which any other nationality has-
Most Arab talk with loud VOICE thats why you misunderstood them that they sounds fighting with you, i handle lot of clients like this -and am only 7Mos here- but most of them are not ma they just want to understand what are you trying to tell them and ocassionaly its NORMAL to them that they talk with LOUD voice.

What i like most in Arabs is that they are still conservative and religious type..

regarding the behavoir of Children that commented above, many times i encounter bad behavior of young arab children i observed that they are just children as normal 'when i was sitting along with my mom in fast food eating there was few young boys kicking my chir disturbing me while i ate, am not pissed off i smiled and offer to give him fries, i even asked him where he go for school and it ended up nice .. he waved goodbye after and seems to be a sweet boy-

So its better to GIVE OTHER PEOPLE THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT and LESS JUDGEMENTAL to people specially with different nationality around the GLOBE -not only Arab-


"letting go doesn't mean ur weak,only shows you're stronger to let go"