...for everyone's feedback. I'll be getting final details regarding a package within the next few days.
I was curious about the nationality issue as the person I chatted with on the phone asked me what my ethnicity was. I was so surprised, as legally - at least in Canada - you're not allowed to ask, that I told her. I'm just going to tell people I'm Canadian, and leave it at that.
In regards to looking or not looking like a certain ethnic group, I was thinking more along the lines of when I'm out and about. I'm not used to being discriminated against and have never experienced racism, but based on what I've read and heard, it seems like that is a possibility in Doha.
...for everyone's feedback. I'll be getting final details regarding a package within the next few days.
I was curious about the nationality issue as the person I chatted with on the phone asked me what my ethnicity was. I was so surprised, as legally - at least in Canada - you're not allowed to ask, that I told her. I'm just going to tell people I'm Canadian, and leave it at that.
In regards to looking or not looking like a certain ethnic group, I was thinking more along the lines of when I'm out and about. I'm not used to being discriminated against and have never experienced racism, but based on what I've read and heard, it seems like that is a possibility in Doha.
Veni, Vedi, Visa ~ I came, I saw, I shopped