In a utopian world, what should really be done is that each and every parent of the kid who spat should be flogged infront of a crowd. To such ill mannered snobish kids, their bus driver is at the same level as the workers they were spitting on, and regretfully the driver knows it. You know what will happen to him if he merely scolds any of them? He'll be back in his home country before next sunrise. I've been in the GCC since '87 so I know alot about the way most kids are bought up here, again I say MOST because there are some very well mannered ones around, but only a few. No one would disagree with you that such behaviour in ANY society is appalling, and if someone with a TV camera was to ask those kids, they would give the same answer too. Sorry you had to witness that, but beleive me, I once tried to change a similar situation and I was made a freakin fool out of.