"I have to say though, both from my own experience, and the testimony of a very large successful insurance company that women are the CAUSE of many more auto accidents than men, the men are just INVOLVED in the accidents CAUSED by the women. That's right, you do not have to be INVOLVED in the accident to have CAUSED it. Get what I'm saying?
My accidents were caused by women, who also just happened to be the drivers who knocked me off my motorbike. They were doing things that approx. 80-90% of women are guilty of at some point in their lives, make-up in the mirror on the way to work when running late (if people can't accept you for what you look like without make-up on, they're not worth risking your life or others' lives over), yelling at the kids in the back of the car in the mornings, driving them to school in the 4x4 over a distance that will only take 5 minutes to walk, talking on the phone, and I could go on, but I'm sure you get the idea.
I am by no means saying that men are guilt free, in fact I have seen some fantastic displays of idiocy from men as well as women, but the amount of insurance claims put in by men stating an uninvolved woman as the cause just tips the scales.
Did you know that driving just 5mph faster than normal (for most of you this means actually doing 30 in a 30 limit, not 25!), forces your sensory perception to improve just enough so that your brain doesn't turn off, meaning you don't end up feeling stupid for having one of those dumb low speed prangs because you stopped paying attention to what you were doing."
aricle published in the internet,
"I have to say though, both from my own experience, and the testimony of a very large successful insurance company that women are the CAUSE of many more auto accidents than men, the men are just INVOLVED in the accidents CAUSED by the women. That's right, you do not have to be INVOLVED in the accident to have CAUSED it. Get what I'm saying?
My accidents were caused by women, who also just happened to be the drivers who knocked me off my motorbike. They were doing things that approx. 80-90% of women are guilty of at some point in their lives, make-up in the mirror on the way to work when running late (if people can't accept you for what you look like without make-up on, they're not worth risking your life or others' lives over), yelling at the kids in the back of the car in the mornings, driving them to school in the 4x4 over a distance that will only take 5 minutes to walk, talking on the phone, and I could go on, but I'm sure you get the idea.
I am by no means saying that men are guilt free, in fact I have seen some fantastic displays of idiocy from men as well as women, but the amount of insurance claims put in by men stating an uninvolved woman as the cause just tips the scales.
Did you know that driving just 5mph faster than normal (for most of you this means actually doing 30 in a 30 limit, not 25!), forces your sensory perception to improve just enough so that your brain doesn't turn off, meaning you don't end up feeling stupid for having one of those dumb low speed prangs because you stopped paying attention to what you were doing."