I mean dinosaurs evolved faster than the US can choose a president. And since the term is only for 4 years, this means that in about 18 months from now, the whole process will begin again--hardly enough time to govern anything.

The whole process seems to cater to news organizations, People's magazine and the gossip mongers.

And can Obama do anything? I remember Clinton trying to introduce universal health care (can anyone be against universal health care) and look what happened: he had the support of the vast majority of the country but not the HMO lobby (and others) that really control the government.

Look at the NRA. Most Americans want tougher gun control but the constitution to have a "well run militia" (I don't have my copy handy, but it says something like this) insists on the right to bear arms. You think the NRA is a well-run militia?

You want Obama to run the country? Make him the president of Exxon or GE.

Since Allah has given me a brain, it would seem like a sin not to use it.