*tears* oooo i like, i like very much *tears*

Before i get started....flomaster seriously dude! WTF?

Anyways, Shukran Uncle TCOM for the thread :) normally i like to keep a low profile on my birthday, being that i'm very shy and cute and all that people just want to pinch me and cuddle me etc etc, but thanks for letting the cat out of the bag so to speak lol ;)

Thank you all for the wishes, however i think i know a heck lotta more of you idiots here on QL so i'm expecting more to walk in later in the day. i'm just going to save my "Thank You" speech for another Thread at the end of the day.

BUT, since KSAnova took time to actually bring back some pretty old memories let me just say that i'm really lucky to have someone like him as not just a friend but more like a little brother i wish i always had! And if i did ever have a little brother i'd be sticking his head in the mud every now and then and breaking his toys! Thats besides the point, Dude if i've ever been down in the pit u've always been the one to pick me up, without your help i guess i'd have been a lost case a long time ago. Thank u for everything u've done for me out of the goodness of your heart and given this friendship the respect it deserves...what i mean to say is WHO'S UR DADDY??!! LOL

Love you all for being part of my life here in Qatar :) Itz Time for the King Kat to enjoy his Birthday...bring on the lap dancers :)) wooohoooo!!

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)

