13% is a very low percentage if we take into consideration the kind of world we live in today:
1- Everyone everywhere has access to prostitutes, pornography, sexually explicit material and suggestive ideas.
2- All kinds of media encourage sexual abuse by hinting at them in a direct or indirect way, in movies, tv series, songs, even cartoons!!!, jokes about these kinda sick topics are not even worth telling.
3- Moms and dads are becoming less and less aware of the effect of the naked body parts on people (men and women!) They continue to dress their kids in less covering, more provocative garments each day as if it's a nude contest...
4- With the recent uprise of materialism and the loss of religions and values, sexual abuse is really not that big a deal. People without values can kill, rape, steal, cheat and lie their lives on without having a trace of guilt.
Sorry for the long post, but this topic really needs more attention from everyone.