Oh yeah that is what i am talking. and Now you tell me I am practicing MUSLIM??? a practicing Muslim is humble and obedience to Allah's order. SIMPLE.
So please dont misled the people on this site, make your side clear so that we dont get confused to hypocrites like you with legitimate Muslims.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Oh yeah that is what i am talking. and Now you tell me I am practicing MUSLIM??? a practicing Muslim is humble and obedience to Allah's order. SIMPLE.
So please dont misled the people on this site, make your side clear so that we dont get confused to hypocrites like you with legitimate Muslims.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi