@magicdragon, Please don't call me a liar.

Call up the Ministry of Labour. Ask them about the legislation. If your contract has ended, you have no debt, you are free to leave.

You obviously don't know the different between going back home after quiting and an exit permit.

Employers don't 'let' them leave because the employers think that they can do that.

As for your other question, you are sponsored within the country which means that he has a duty to ensure that the person that he sponsors isn't a criminal. All he has to do is say that you have no debt, obligations or warrants on you.

But still, get this through your head. QUITTING A JOB and an EXIT PERMIT are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

So now, tell me where I am lieing?

Just in case there is any confusion I'll make it simple.

If you want to go no vacation, you need permission.

You want to go home after quiting, your contract has ended, you have no debt or obligations, you can leave, just call the Ministry of Labour if you face difficulties.

What's funny is that you all seriously don't even know your rights and then want to treat what you think you know as fact.

Go seek legal aid.

@senyorita, A Qatari needs approval to marry a non Qatari / GCC citizen. Not everyone.

Oh and by the way, I don't come and check every single thread I've posted on 24/7

Next time before calling someone a liar when they're trying to explain your rights and fighting to give, what seems to be, underserving people, more rights, how about you ask for clarification. Shame on you all.

Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.