Realsomeone in response to your "proposal":

a) I agree Ethiopian troops should leave. There is much too much suspicion between Ethiopia and Somalia and Ethiopia appears heaviliy biased. However, if wealthy nations will not involve themselves in an attempt to maintain peace, one wonders if this is better than nothing perhaps? Well, I still think Ethiopia should leave. Also, a lot of states within the region themselves are heavily biased to either side...Djibouti, Egypt, Yemen...leave alone the international community.

b)The AU is UN sanctioned. However again, similar to a) is the fact that there simply isn't enough monetary support for an effective peace keeping mission. I think the AU is doing what it can with what it has. You'd be surprised to find that a majority of its member states do not pay their contributions so how exactly is it meant to make good on the many resolutions made?

c)US drop all terrorist charges? Why, when you then go on to say that criminals should face the ICC?

In response to your apparent surprise that the international community responded so well and so fast to the ethnic violence in Kenya, you should be thanking your lucky stars. Kenya has long been considered impartial in the Somali crisis and for years we have acted as mediator. Need I also mention the half a million or so Somali refugees who are now in Kenya living a life that has some semblance of peace and affords them a chance to make a living.

------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------