They tend not to live in the cities, or if they do, in dreadful poverty. In my student days I lived in the suburb adjoining the most notorious, and it was a no-go zone. I can only speak for my own views, and I think they are treated shamefully, but sadly, often exploited by their own as well. Again, a difficult subject. Many demands for both lifestyle equality, but simultaneous desire to maintain the old ways (nomadic mostly). They tend to be a totally non-materialistic, and don't value 'things'. So houses are trashed, welfare money spent of booze and fags and so on. All fine, but taxpayers get tired of being asked for 'more', and they are dreaded as neighbours. We had them take over the property adjoining ours in the countryside, and it made us cry to see the way it was neglected. It is a great shame that no feasible solution has been found.
But I don't know a single person who wishes they weren't there, simply that they would "pull up their socks".
Veni, vidi, viva.