Let not jump to generalisations. Tesco will not stop employing muslims becuase of this...it will do them more damage and get them legal hot water....plus i don't think the UK has declined to that level of discrimination yet....
As for the insinuation that "the guy has no chance against a big company like Tesco" is disturbing. What are you trying to say," That tribunals favour large companies" or that "money" can buy you justice in the UK?

As for the other statement 'Best go to a country that doesn't sell alocohol then" again demonstrates a level of ignorance rarely witnessed. What about the indigenous muslims born and raised in UK or all those converts to Islam? where should they go?

Do you know the jews in the UK ensure that many ingredients that go into many medicinal products sold in the UK are certified Kosher? The large companies accomdate this request becuase it is in their interests. Likewise making provisions for a diverse workforce is also in the benefit of Tescos...imagine all the 2 million plus muslims boycotting Tesco and shopping at Sainsburys instead...you do the maths!