To ridicule any aspect of Islam can lead a person to apostasy:
Allah said (S9 A65-66): "And if you (O Muhammad) question them, they (the hypocrites) will say: "We were only talking idly and jesting." Say (to them o Muhammad), "What, then were you mocking Allah and His Signs and His Messenger. Make no excuse you have disbelieved after you have believed."
Allah also says:
"Leave alone those who take their religion to be mere play and amusement, and are deceived by the life of this world. But proclaim this: that every soul delivers itself to ruin by its own acts…"[6:70]
So don't waste your time with these types of people. It's not us that they have a problem with. It's the message of Islam.Allah has shown us their "true colors."
To ridicule any aspect of Islam can lead a person to apostasy:
Allah said (S9 A65-66): "And if you (O Muhammad) question them, they (the hypocrites) will say: "We were only talking idly and jesting." Say (to them o Muhammad), "What, then were you mocking Allah and His Signs and His Messenger. Make no excuse you have disbelieved after you have believed."
Allah also says:
"Leave alone those who take their religion to be mere play and amusement, and are deceived by the life of this world. But proclaim this: that every soul delivers itself to ruin by its own acts…"[6:70]
So don't waste your time with these types of people. It's not us that they have a problem with. It's the message of Islam.Allah has shown us their "true colors."