amyl, ignoring your unprovoked and unfounded attack on me I'll try to explain my comment to you;
I was not implying that if you see someone crossing the road (legally or illegally) you shouldn't slow down. Of course you should. My point was that some people seem to assume that as soon as they step into the road all the traffic will slow/stop to let them cross and it's that sort of attitude that causes accidents. Drivers may not see the pedestrian and even if they do having to suddenly slow down can cause problems for drivers around you.
amyl, ignoring your unprovoked and unfounded attack on me I'll try to explain my comment to you;
I was not implying that if you see someone crossing the road (legally or illegally) you shouldn't slow down. Of course you should. My point was that some people seem to assume that as soon as they step into the road all the traffic will slow/stop to let them cross and it's that sort of attitude that causes accidents. Drivers may not see the pedestrian and even if they do having to suddenly slow down can cause problems for drivers around you.