Allah says,"Oh you who believe! If a Fasiq (liar- evil person) comes to you with any news, verify it, lest you should harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done."

Surah 49, Ayah 6

I didn't post mainstream because everyone is bombarded with it and it is so readily available. So I posted the other side. Many people know that mainstream media has been hijacked by corrupt people in high places. One must try to see what the other side has to say. Many Muslims have been arrested for "suspected terrorism" and then a few days,weeks,months or years later were let go without charge or conviction. Some Muslims automatically say the worst of things against these Muslims without fearing that Allah will hold them accountable for their utterances of hurtful speech without listening to their Muslim brother or sisters side. An example of this can be found in the story of Prophet Dawud (alayhi salam) in the Holy Quran (surah 38, verses 22-25). Two angels came into his chamber in the form of men. One of them who owned one sheep complained that his brother who owned 99 sheep wanted to take his only animal from him. Immediately without asking the man with 99 sheep his side of the story, Prophet Dawud inclined towards the one who owned only one. Allah admonished him for not listening to both sides of the story and makes us understand that whoever passes judgment without listening to both sides of a story is indeed an oppressor whom will be taken to account on the Day of Judgment unless we make a sincere taubah. Incidentally, Prophet Dawud (as) repented and Allah forgave Him.

Defending The Honour of Muslim

The honour and dignity of a Muslim is precious in the sight of the Almighty and therefore it is a grave sin NOT to defend and protect it, let alone disgracing him or treating him disrespectfully. The defence of a Muslim's honour, when it is at stake, is in fact a virtuous and rewardable deed as explained in the hadeeth related by Jabir (R.A.), that the Prophet (S.A.W.) said "The Muslim who forsakes a fellow Muslim brother (and does not come to his assistance) at a time when his honour is at stake, will be denied the help of Allah when he is greatly in need of it, whereas the Muslim who stands by a fellow Muslim at a time when his honour is at stake, - Allah will grant him His assistance when he will need it most." (Sahih Muslim)

In another hadeeth, reported by Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A.) the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said "Every Muslim is the brother of a Muslim, he should neither harm him, nor should he leave him alone when others treat him unjustly (he should help him). Whoever will fulfill the need of a fellow brother, Allah will fulfill his need, and whoever removes the distress of a fellow Muslim, Allah will remove his distress on the Day of Judgement, and whoever will hide(keep secret) the faults (and shame) of a fellow Muslim, Allah will keep his sins secret.'etc. on the Day of Account." (Sahih Muslim)

Both these reports show the value and respect that should be attached to the honour and good name of a Muslim.

How else will Quran and Sunnah apply to these news sources? Since it's incumbent upon the Muslims to practice "fiqh al waakiah", (keeping up with current affairs) we have to learn about what's going on from the news agencies. When one studies seerah and learns about the evil plots of plans of the kuffar ( Quraysh,other pagan Arab tribes, and the Jews all plotted against the Muslims at the battle of the trench.) Some of the pagan Arab tribes and the Jews had a treaty with the Prophet (saw). They were treacherous and conspired with the Quraysh to battle against the Muslims. What we see happening in the world today are some of the same plots that were used by the kuffar of old.

I'm not here to debate. I'm just posting the "other side". People should not try to sway others from reading independence news sources. There are people here who appreciate other than mainstream sources.