ashok, the motive of my thread was simple; to smoke out Mr. Paul. Alas, it appears futile, but the struggle continues. Unlike Britexpats current thread which is solely to tickle you folk :) Enjoy and stop complaining ol boy. Where's your joke man?
Flanboy that one is oooooollllllldddd. But then again, your one liners are always a tickle and very original, so you're forgiven ;)
Yes I am LABDA Britexpat!!! hahaha
ashok, the motive of my thread was simple; to smoke out Mr. Paul. Alas, it appears futile, but the struggle continues. Unlike Britexpats current thread which is solely to tickle you folk :) Enjoy and stop complaining ol boy. Where's your joke man?
Flanboy that one is oooooollllllldddd. But then again, your one liners are always a tickle and very original, so you're forgiven ;)
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------