Seems you have a problem reading opinions other than urs and accepting that there are different mentalities and charactes in the world which differentiates us from each other!!

to be a proper debater you have to be able to state ur opnion and be ready to listen to others.. knowing full well there is no right or wrong bcz it is a matter of opinion!

I dont understand why ppl find it hard to practice self-control and patience! when u do not find something u like and it angers u.. instead of butting in and causing a riot.. simply walk away and avoid the forum.. which will not cause u to hear anything u deem insultive, angering, or out of line! whether it is Anti whatever it is!

I'm sorry to see you Go Gypsy! Truely I do! U added alot of spice to the whole site! and If this is not gonna be a free space where we can state our opinions like mature adults then its not worth it! I find no reason to curb my thoughts and feelings and not state them out in the open when we preach democracy, equality, and freedom of speech!

Well Gyps! cant wait to see u offline most definitely! I missed u on Friday but next time we have to be introduced!