I consider myself reprimanded:)

Jauntie- it's not the vegetables I have an issue with.. love them too and I CAN cook- it is the need for something to get my teeth into:) (I'm starting to feel like I'm going to join Drac's gang;)

Tallg- whereas I would agree that cheese RULES and thank crikey that you didn't let me go down that heinous mind set for too long by pulling me up on it (phew). It would be kind of like you eating the same meat for every meal I guess? Cheese should be looked forward to and eaten with smugness:))

Jasmine- I think I love you:) Where abouts is MegaMart? I'm there!

Mr P- I come from rural Wales so well used to this argument. No issues with anyone else eating meat so long as it's raised and killed humanely. Just that I'd rather not, if it's all the same;)