Abu American

What were the circumstances surrounding her? Why did he forgive men at war who confessed Islam? Would he have made the punishment should she not have had understanding of its wrong?

No doubt that islamic punishment is the best method! The most just and the most fair!
Where as your here judging people and situations you know very little about!
The prophet had compassion and understanding of the people. He did not punish them unless it would bring about good and understanding in the community and them. And he judged the situations accordingly weighing up the good and the bad. His punishments were not too harsh nor too lenient for those situations.

Look at how he treated his jewish neighbor who put rubbish in front of his path everyday! Look how the angels asked him if they could punish the people after throwing stones at his head. And look at how easy he was concerning the poor who stole for neccessity.

And look at the prophets daughter who was raised up with knowledge and understanding about how wrong these actions are. And the muslims around them. Could you say the same for every person in the world? The Prophet understood this so why don't you!

All I can say is thank God I became a muslim and was forgiven for my past mistakes. I wonder how many mistakes you have made which would warrant severe punishment. And are you not grateful for the second chance God has given you?

Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi