macgyver that is very considerate of you but also you dont need to punish yourself to satisfy others, you can have some privacy and eat if you wish.
tallg that is cool, update us everyone minute how it goes and inform us days in advance before you start.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
macgyver that is very considerate of you but also you dont need to punish yourself to satisfy others, you can have some privacy and eat if you wish.
tallg that is cool, update us everyone minute how it goes and inform us days in advance before you start.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi