The guy was stupid and greedy and he betrayed the trust of many people. But come on, he didn't kill anyone or rape anyone and he acted out of greed rather than malice. Is that any worse than a drunk driver killing a pedestrian? Is it worse than a rapist or a thief? We all know that in this country and in many others people are corrupt, greedy dishonest and sometimes downright cruel and murderous and they get off with much less than life imprisonment. I have no doubt that this guy is genuinely remorseful and for one, I hope that the Emir who is an intelligent and compassionate man, pardons him.
Vegas is right. This guy's life is ruined and he has lost everything. I hope he gets the chance to live the rest of his life in a meaningful way and that he gets to see his children and the rest of his family.
In the course of my business here and elsewhere, I have seen corruption on a grand scale that even when discovered goes unpunished because the companies involved do not want the bad publicity. This guy was dumb and dishonest. He messed with QP (the country's treasure chest) and he has served three years. I think two more years and deportation would be fair. Keep things in perspective people, think of the maids who get raped, beaten and sometimes murdered throughout the world, think of the mass exploitation of the poor and uneducated and the perpetrators walking free. This guy's offense while stupid, dumb and greedy is not on the same level. Life is too much.
Lets have some compassion and reason.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
The guy was stupid and greedy and he betrayed the trust of many people. But come on, he didn't kill anyone or rape anyone and he acted out of greed rather than malice. Is that any worse than a drunk driver killing a pedestrian? Is it worse than a rapist or a thief? We all know that in this country and in many others people are corrupt, greedy dishonest and sometimes downright cruel and murderous and they get off with much less than life imprisonment. I have no doubt that this guy is genuinely remorseful and for one, I hope that the Emir who is an intelligent and compassionate man, pardons him.
Vegas is right. This guy's life is ruined and he has lost everything. I hope he gets the chance to live the rest of his life in a meaningful way and that he gets to see his children and the rest of his family.
In the course of my business here and elsewhere, I have seen corruption on a grand scale that even when discovered goes unpunished because the companies involved do not want the bad publicity. This guy was dumb and dishonest. He messed with QP (the country's treasure chest) and he has served three years. I think two more years and deportation would be fair. Keep things in perspective people, think of the maids who get raped, beaten and sometimes murdered throughout the world, think of the mass exploitation of the poor and uneducated and the perpetrators walking free. This guy's offense while stupid, dumb and greedy is not on the same level. Life is too much.
Lets have some compassion and reason.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about