"what if the thief turned out to be someone barely surviving in a labour camp, sharing six to a room, unpaid for weeks on end and practically starving? Do you still think he should be castrated?"

I, personally, don't think they should be castrated. But they should definitely be put in jail or get deported. But honestly, even if they are barely surviving in a one-room apartment with their family, do you think that putting others in their position by stealing all their money is the right thing to do? These people are so greedy. They don't even care who they're stealing from. What if it's a single mother of four children that has to work two jobs a day just to feed her children? Not saying its right to steal from anyone else, but at least other people would be able to survive a little better.

Come to think of it, I don't care if these guys get castrated or not. Not that I support it though.