With all the male bashing going on, which doesn't bother me one bit as I can take a joke, like I said, I though I'd dish a little back.
Since MJ started many of these threads, plus contributed with many posts, plus MJ is easy to rhyme with, this makes her name is a LEGIMATE target!
If you are the instigator of jokes directed at men, be prepared to be the butt of jokes in reply. That's not personal, it's common sense.
My friends, please do not feel you need to defend my actions, rather, just tell the silly girl to chill out!
With all the male bashing going on, which doesn't bother me one bit as I can take a joke, like I said, I though I'd dish a little back.
Since MJ started many of these threads, plus contributed with many posts, plus MJ is easy to rhyme with, this makes her name is a LEGIMATE target!
If you are the instigator of jokes directed at men, be prepared to be the butt of jokes in reply. That's not personal, it's common sense.
My friends, please do not feel you need to defend my actions, rather, just tell the silly girl to chill out!