Gypsy, am I judging by having an opinion? Sorry but this is my opinion. I have never been in this position (I have seen the violent tendencies in some of the guys Iv had an interest in and backed away). But I have friends and family members who have been in it. And when they are in it, they are not in it alone. It causes the people around them, the people who love them a lot of anguish as well. I am not saying they deserve it. I am saying I do not understand why after the first punch, slap, whatever or the second, atleast the third a woman would not walk out.

Believe me, I have held many a friend who cried day after day, Iv seen the bruises and the chipped teeth. Iv taken a friend to be treated at the hospital after she'd miscarried from being beaten by her husband...I have been there for my family and friends who have gone through this. I have also begged these women to leave these men. And they never do. It is a cycle and it destroys not only the victims life but those of their loved ones around them.

Forgive me for thinking these women are entitled to a better life with a man who loves them.

-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------