...to predict!

Strikes in Iran may encourage other countries to obtain nuclear weapons in a bid to ward off US strikes!

The Arabs may not do anything directly to prevent the destruction of Iran and removal of it's leaders, they they sure will dabble in the processes afterwards, by fair means or foul, in an attempt to gain their own inflences!

You think it's bad now, if the US do strike, hatred towards the US around the world will grow exponentially, and suicide bomber will no longer be looked at in disgust, but in admiration by so many more people!

That's only in the middle east. I could right a thesis on how I think the Asian countries will react and what measures they feel they will have to take!

Terrorist and governments alike will ensure that people do not forget the others "ills" to ensure that they have a common enemy!
The relative world safety that we have today will be no more!

Then there's Russia! It won't just trigger another cold war, but an Ice Age