...interesting topic!

It's purely coincidental that I reply to it during the first day of Ramadan.

I wasn't sure about water quality here, coming from Dubai where nearly everyone uses 5 gallon hot/cold water-dispensers at home/office, or smaller-sized bottled water, I just carried on doing the same thing in Doha.

I prefer the dispenser water, I like the fact that I can have piping hot water to put in the kettle, only a few seconds or so & its boiled ready for tea/coffee etc.
Likewise when cooking.
To have chilled water from a dispenser is great, yes bottled water in the fridge is similarly chilled, but personally I got fed up lugging boxes of water bottles to the car, up 20+ floors & now have Qatarat 5 G bottles delivered.
At only 5 QR per bottle I think its good value.
In Dubai we were paying nearly double that....

Coming from the UK where we are robbed blind it's refreshing in more ways than one!
A litre of water is on a par with the price of a litre of petrol....TRUE!!!!
And don't forget, fuel in the UK is horrendously expensive...

Back to the thread, I'm happy with my large bottles of water for drinking & cooking.
Only use tap water to shower/wash & to run both the dishwasher & washing machine.
