Cultures and nations have ways of naming their children,..
I love the Icelandic system.. The last names of the are created by taking the first name of the child's father and appending "són" or "dóttir" as appropriate. For example my daughter would be called Britexpatdottir.. Similar to the Arabs who use Abu or Omm in front of the names.
Ofcourse, the natives Americans and probably the indeginous people of Canada have a different method as explained below..
Little indian boy and father:
Boy: Father why do our people name their children like they do?
Father: Well son when a child is born the father looks around and the first thing he sees is what he names his child.
Father: Like your sister Running Deer and your brother Sitting Bull.
Cultures and nations have ways of naming their children,..
I love the Icelandic system.. The last names of the are created by taking the first name of the child's father and appending "són" or "dóttir" as appropriate. For example my daughter would be called Britexpatdottir.. Similar to the Arabs who use Abu or Omm in front of the names.
Ofcourse, the natives Americans and probably the indeginous people of Canada have a different method as explained below..
Little indian boy and father:
Boy: Father why do our people name their children like they do?
Father: Well son when a child is born the father looks around and the first thing he sees is what he names his child.
Father: Like your sister Running Deer and your brother Sitting Bull.
Father: But, why do you ask Two Dogs Fu%%ing?