why do we employ fellow human beings to come into our homes and make them do jobs that we ourslves are not willing to do?
I have never understood nor do i respect parents who hire maids and let them wear pyjama looking outfits to look after thier children-if i was to pay someone else to lok after my son, i wld want and treat her well so that hse looks happy and is cheerful company for him-"do unto others as you want them to do unto you"
why do we employ fellow human beings to come into our homes and make them do jobs that we ourslves are not willing to do?
I have never understood nor do i respect parents who hire maids and let them wear pyjama looking outfits to look after thier children-if i was to pay someone else to lok after my son, i wld want and treat her well so that hse looks happy and is cheerful company for him-"do unto others as you want them to do unto you"