
"I never said Amoud doesn't have the right to post it..." I never claimed you said that.

Listen I can understand what you're saying. But in my opinion Amoud still maintains the right to be heard. Have you seen some of the posts that go round...?? Tragic at best...absolutely ridiculous...and some of mine fall under that category as well.

I think we all know it goes a little deeper than just the whole parking thing.

And another thing, just because a man has his arm chopped off in Timbuktu, wont make my finger that i cut while chopping those dam* onions feel any better. Gerrit? Uhhmmmm, terrible comparison, but I am sleepy hey?!

Cant we all just respect each others opinions without the name calling already. And Scotiabank, this is a general plea...

"Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day." Melody Beattie