Gypsy said Each and everyone one of us ...
Each and everyone one of us is partially responsible for how these young men turned out. We've failed them in a lot of ways and executing them will solve nothing.


Thats just it! No one would like to believe that they played any part in this murder. Whether the role is big such as being parents of these children or more distance makes no difference. We each should be answerable for our own actions and neglectful ways that led these boys to commit the murder.

I am not convinced this murder was 100 percent racist. It was probabaly a bunch of English Yobos with nothing better to do then gang up on some poor boy. I don't think they meant to kill him just shake him up a bit. To chicken shit to fight one on one is far to common in britain.

I believe the answer is too let the family of the boy decide whether they should be given blood money or have the boys killed. After all it is their loss! To me that is the most just and fair decision. Because it may be that they have pity on these young men and by doing so change their lives forever by helping them realize and break free from the chains of the enviroment which they were raised. Or put them out of their misery so that they cannot carry on the dangerous cycle of violence by being released back into the public where they will have many stigmas attached!

Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi