Minyme.. well you haven't been here in Qatar for a long time so, you probably don't have a clear view of what expats have to say about Qatar.. well, only through the help of this forum of course.
Expats share their experiences which doesn't mean that it's all bad.. if you have been keeping yourself updated on this site you will prove yourself wrong. Or at least the points that you have already concluded.
I may have to add that I have never read anything saying that Qataris are gay. Where did that come from? Are you actually trying to stir up something here?
I fully understand that you're just a proud citizen defending your country. You have to open your eyes also to some of the people that come here for work only to find out that they're being treated like sh*t.
It's not that they are making it sound horrible by the way.. they have actually E-X-P-E-R-I-E-N-C-E-D it hence the rants.
Oh and get used to QL.. we all bash each other. ;)
Minyme.. well you haven't been here in Qatar for a long time so, you probably don't have a clear view of what expats have to say about Qatar.. well, only through the help of this forum of course.
Expats share their experiences which doesn't mean that it's all bad.. if you have been keeping yourself updated on this site you will prove yourself wrong. Or at least the points that you have already concluded.
I may have to add that I have never read anything saying that Qataris are gay. Where did that come from? Are you actually trying to stir up something here?
I fully understand that you're just a proud citizen defending your country. You have to open your eyes also to some of the people that come here for work only to find out that they're being treated like sh*t.
It's not that they are making it sound horrible by the way.. they have actually E-X-P-E-R-I-E-N-C-E-D it hence the rants.
Oh and get used to QL.. we all bash each other. ;)
╬ Somebody's Heine' is crowdin' my icebox ╬