Well it may come in Handy seeing some of the scum and riff raff coming intio this country recently. I mean I start gettting emails about being cautious with leaving your bag in the trollley at the supermarkets and even of Break ins at home and theft.I mean a few years back when i got here this oplace was really safe I mean.I had a friend who lost his travel ticket and QR 25000 while shooping for his vacation.Some one picked it up managed to find hind and brought all of it back intact. Those were the days.One would not dream of breakins and theft here a few years back.
I mean today I am getting emails of pickpockets and thiefs.
Make mine an AK 47 if this country come like the streets of the US where gangs kill each other over colours or drugs. In Britain you cannot even leave your mobile phone or laptop in your car without it being broken into.
Well it may come in Handy seeing some of the scum and riff raff coming intio this country recently. I mean I start gettting emails about being cautious with leaving your bag in the trollley at the supermarkets and even of Break ins at home and theft.I mean a few years back when i got here this oplace was really safe I mean.I had a friend who lost his travel ticket and QR 25000 while shooping for his vacation.Some one picked it up managed to find hind and brought all of it back intact. Those were the days.One would not dream of breakins and theft here a few years back.
I mean today I am getting emails of pickpockets and thiefs.
Make mine an AK 47 if this country come like the streets of the US where gangs kill each other over colours or drugs. In Britain you cannot even leave your mobile phone or laptop in your car without it being broken into.