Don't feel sad Voyageress, as you say without it your work would be harder, maybe you should feel that when you're on QL it's like being with an extended family don't you think?!
As we all know, computers offer an almost limitless list of possibilies & uses, that's before they're connected to t'internet, then your mind can just boggle right?!
Just think for a minute, those who are sat at their computers now all over the world, on the net, where are they browsing, what are their own particular interests?
Personally I just love to be able to communicate & correspond, but that's just one option!
When did you last send a hand-written letter...??!!
QL would be a good deal slower then with 'posts'
Don't feel sad Voyageress, as you say without it your work would be harder, maybe you should feel that when you're on QL it's like being with an extended family don't you think?!
As we all know, computers offer an almost limitless list of possibilies & uses, that's before they're connected to t'internet, then your mind can just boggle right?!
Just think for a minute, those who are sat at their computers now all over the world, on the net, where are they browsing, what are their own particular interests?
Personally I just love to be able to communicate & correspond, but that's just one option!
When did you last send a hand-written letter...??!!
QL would be a good deal slower then with 'posts'
Torque 8-)