She said "I have always believed knickers were a window to the soul. My grandmother said nice girls wear knickers; without them, "you'll get a cold down there". They spoke our subconscious mutterings. They were our Freudian slips. If outer garments told the world how we wished to be perceived, knickers told them who we really were - good or evil"
So, my question..
Do you agree with her statement !
Would you feel differently about a woman if she was wearing a thong for example ??
She said "I have always believed knickers were a window to the soul. My grandmother said nice girls wear knickers; without them, "you'll get a cold down there". They spoke our subconscious mutterings. They were our Freudian slips. If outer garments told the world how we wished to be perceived, knickers told them who we really were - good or evil"
So, my question..
Do you agree with her statement !
Would you feel differently about a woman if she was wearing a thong for example ??