As expats you tend to fall into a cycle. Three months at your new destination and the honeymoon phase is over. Then comes the homesickness. You will have up's and downs as it never really becomes home.. or till you move to your next country and it all starts over again. Just hang in there. Find the best in every situation and live your time out here. Don't look back once you have moved away and say... "we should have done.... while in Qatar|"
As expats you tend to fall into a cycle. Three months at your new destination and the honeymoon phase is over. Then comes the homesickness. You will have up's and downs as it never really becomes home.. or till you move to your next country and it all starts over again. Just hang in there. Find the best in every situation and live your time out here. Don't look back once you have moved away and say... "we should have done.... while in Qatar|"