Alexa, i mentioned earlier it goes both ways, this picture represents hijab not women. There is hijab for men aswell and the punishment for not doing it is twice as harsh. For men its not the covering head part but covering the eyes or turning the eyes away part that is the hijab. If a muslim guy stares at a mulsim girl who doesnt wear a hijab, he gets double the punishment of the woman whom he's staring at and if he stares at a woman who wears hijab, then i guess he'll burn in hell forever. I'll post an article about hijab for men next time.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Alexa, i mentioned earlier it goes both ways, this picture represents hijab not women. There is hijab for men aswell and the punishment for not doing it is twice as harsh. For men its not the covering head part but covering the eyes or turning the eyes away part that is the hijab. If a muslim guy stares at a mulsim girl who doesnt wear a hijab, he gets double the punishment of the woman whom he's staring at and if he stares at a woman who wears hijab, then i guess he'll burn in hell forever. I'll post an article about hijab for men next time.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.