the ad is a part of campaign to Veil Egypt.What is happening now, that women are forced to wear it there. Coptic women in down-town Cairo (Shubra) are harassed for not wearing veil. Not to mention the veiling actresses phenomena.
Who would believe that director inas al digadi is facing charges/trail and might be separated from her husband by law over her opinion on hejab
If that's not oppression, then what is?
the ad is a part of campaign to Veil Egypt.What is happening now, that women are forced to wear it there. Coptic women in down-town Cairo (Shubra) are harassed for not wearing veil. Not to mention the veiling actresses phenomena.
Who would believe that director inas al digadi is facing charges/trail and might be separated from her husband by law over her opinion on hejab
If that's not oppression, then what is?