Ahmad, I can see what you’re getting at, and kind of understand why you think that way, but I just don’t buy into it.
You seem to be saying that the entirety of a woman’s worth isn’t her self worth – the way that she values herself – but is instead is based just on how she is viewed by men. And even then, that is based entirely on her appearance.
Are you saying women cannot expect to be respected unless they cover up, and so basically that respect is based not on her ability, education, generosity etc, but just how she looks?
There seems to be a general way of thinking here and in muslim countries more generally, that western countries just don’t respect women. The extension of this, I guess, is that muslim countries do respect women more. Yet you don’t see women holding positions of power here, they aren’t represented in any meaningful political way (unless they are fortunate enough to be married to an even more powerful man).
Sure there’s been some great, democratically elected leaders in Muslim countries, but it’s hardly the norm. The women who are so respected and cherished in this part of the world aren’t even trusted to travel without their husbands, drive cars or get jobs. Young girls can’t go to the movies without a relative present to make sure they don’t do anything naughty.
Forgive me if I don’t believe that this is a society that really ‘respects’ women.
Ahmad, I can see what you’re getting at, and kind of understand why you think that way, but I just don’t buy into it.
You seem to be saying that the entirety of a woman’s worth isn’t her self worth – the way that she values herself – but is instead is based just on how she is viewed by men. And even then, that is based entirely on her appearance.
Are you saying women cannot expect to be respected unless they cover up, and so basically that respect is based not on her ability, education, generosity etc, but just how she looks?
There seems to be a general way of thinking here and in muslim countries more generally, that western countries just don’t respect women. The extension of this, I guess, is that muslim countries do respect women more. Yet you don’t see women holding positions of power here, they aren’t represented in any meaningful political way (unless they are fortunate enough to be married to an even more powerful man).
Sure there’s been some great, democratically elected leaders in Muslim countries, but it’s hardly the norm. The women who are so respected and cherished in this part of the world aren’t even trusted to travel without their husbands, drive cars or get jobs. Young girls can’t go to the movies without a relative present to make sure they don’t do anything naughty.
Forgive me if I don’t believe that this is a society that really ‘respects’ women.