Tallg, see the thing is on the last night or second last night of the arabic month the moon is almost invisible. Predicting if the moon will appear or not on the 30th is hard to say, if the moon doesnt appear on the 30th, then there are 31 days that islamic month. But if it appears then the next day is considered as the 1st of new month.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.
Tallg, see the thing is on the last night or second last night of the arabic month the moon is almost invisible. Predicting if the moon will appear or not on the 30th is hard to say, if the moon doesnt appear on the 30th, then there are 31 days that islamic month. But if it appears then the next day is considered as the 1st of new month.
If leaving your past and moving on was easy, no one would have a heart.